
Why Monday October 7th 2013 is a day that will live in infamy.

Maybe infamy is too strong a word, but this is our blog launch date and as a Luddite I'm pretty excited.  It was an incredibly beautiful day by any standards, let alone Chicago.  And I was able to hang out with my Loveyheart niece Juney (autocorrect wants me to call her Junky but she's not so I won't!)

Here are a few random observations made along Elston Avenue in Chicago today.  Please note that I think of this as the equivalent of a "soft opening" for a new restaurant.  So my apologies in advance if the courses are not quite to your liking.  Here we go:

1.  HomeGoods' shoppers are unfamiliar with the concept of personal space.  This is a 1st World Problem, I am well aware.

2.  Chipotle's employees are overly familiar with the corporate approach of shaming a customer who has the temerity to ask for slightly larger portions.  This is my only meal for today Chipotle.  Feel free to throw in eight more beans.

3.  Target was practically hosting a rave party at register 16 today.  Jorge had us do a survey for a $1500 gift card.  We will not win and we know it.  The only winner in this scenario is Jorge for signing up the highest number of survey participants.  Kudos to Sherese our cashier for understanding that although I bought 10 birthday cards, none of the DVDs I purchased are gifts, thus I did not need a gift receipt.  These birthday card recipients will be lucky if I even invite them over to watch any of my new DVDs.  Thank you Sherese for not shaming me the way the Chipotle kids did when I wanted sour cream AND cheese.

4.  Driving with a back seat full of brooms, throw pillows, slickly wrapped DVDs and birthday cards plus other unwieldy items too numerous to mention is a dangerous endeavor.  Particularly when you are texting and eating Chipotle.

In other news, I am obsessed with this darling little bookmark from Paris.  Details to follow tomorrow if I am not too much of a dumbass to figure out how to get back on my own blog without technical assistance from my niece who not only blogs, but is also the I.T. department for What In The World?!?


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