
inspiration to real life 2

Today I found some really kickass postcards at a boutique in my neighborhood (Foursided Chicago http://www.foursided.com. ) I wanted to display them in a unique way, so I thought about a gallery wall, but I already have a gallery wall in my living room.  As my too-astute-for-his-own-good husband pointed out:  we do not live in The Louvre.  Excessive frame purchases were inexplicably trumped by food & rent. So, I hit the search engines on my fave, Pinterest (of course), and found an awesome way to "exhibit" my new objet d'arts!

Pinterest find:

via Apartment Therapy

via Simply Chic

my project
1. Find a frame. I luckily had one already.

2. Thumbtack some twine to the back of the frame. Tie a knot on both ends and use a hammer to secure the tacks in place.

3. Add your postcards.  I just taped them onto the twine, but you can use paper clips, clothespins, binder clips to attach them.

4. Hang and admire!

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